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Why You Should Regularly Review Your Company's 401(k) Plan Thumbnail

Why You Should Regularly Review Your Company's 401(k) Plan

An employer sponsored 401(k) plan is an employee benefit that is hopefully highly valued by your employees. When you have a good plan, your employees may be more apt to contribute towards their retirement. Reviewing your 401k plan helps you know whether your fees and expenses are within reason, investments options are still optimum, and whether employee education and guidance is up to par. After reviewing, it may be time to make a switch.

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Why do employers 401(k) Match? Thumbnail

Why do employers 401(k) Match?

An employer sponsored 401(k) plan is an employee benefit that is hopefully highly valued by your employees. The better the plan, the more likely that your employees will perceive it as a key benefit. One way you can increase that value is by offering an employer matching contribution

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